8am to 6pm / 7 days a week
March 1st through December 24th

Looking for a Great Gift?


For over 40 years people have been visiting Varner’s for a wide selection of quality flowers at affordable prices. We give our customers free range of our growing facilities so they may find the flowers that fit their needs perfectly. We also sell a wide variety of shrubs, trees and nursery products at prices you won’t regret or forget.


70294 Fir Road, Niles, Michigan
Just north of the Michigan/Indiana
state line and only 4 miles from 80/90!


We are open seven days a week
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
March 1 through December 24
(269) 684-3530

At Varner’s Greenhouse & Nursery you can shop for all of your favorite annual and perennial bedding plants and potted flowers while enjoying the warmth and sights of spring under five acres of greenhouses.

Come visit us to find out what you’ve been missing!

Thinking about planting fruit trees? We still have a very nice selection of apple, cherry, plum and pear trees. ALL 33% OFF. Plant some today!
These pink cuatros are now only $12.49. They are in full bloom and full of beauty. #varnersgreenhouse
Mum combos with purple fountain grass - grass adds an element of flare. Bonus when they are planted in bushel baskets. #varnersgreenhouse
We tried white Asters this year- they are gorgeous. Come and get them….. #varnersgreenhouse
Sedum has nice coloring this time of year. Stop by for awesome Mums and our 33% OFF Nursery Stock sale. Pumpkins, Straw and Corn Shocks available too! #varnersgreenhouse
Gettttttt … yourrrrrr … Mummmmmmmmsssss …this weekend! Open 8-6 daily. Nursery Stock is 33% OFF! #varnersgreenhouse
It’s Mum time folks! We’ve got little Mums, big Mums and hanging Mums. Mums in decorative pots and Mums in standard pots. This weekend will be perfect to find what you need. 

Trees and shrubs are 33% OFF!
If Asters are your preferred fall flower we’ve got good news: they’re ready! Remember all nursery stock is 33% OFF. Plant more trees today.